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Challenges of Muslims in the Modernization Era

MODERNIZATION   Time continues to spin and times continue to develop with various technologies and information that continue to pamper humans in this modern era. Besides having a positive impact on humans from all aspects, it also has a negative impact that can damage humans themselves. The challenge for Muslims is to come through the future. It is undeniable that such rapid developments have had a significant impact on human life. Digital technology, for example, spoils all aspects of modern human life, so that apart from bringing convenience it can become a disaster if it is not used wisely, such as fraud, buying and selling of illegal drugs through online media, prostitution, the spread of hoax , terrorism and so on. Johan Wikileaks said whoever masters technology and excels in controlling public perception will be the winner. (Kompas: September 28, 2017: 7). In addition, modernization not only spoils humans but also replaces humans as workers in various sectors which results in a l
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  INTRODUCTION Indonesia is a democratic country where the majority of the population embraces Islam. According to Snouck Hourgronje, Islam entered Indonesia in the middle of the 13th century AD brought by traders from Gujarat India. The spread of Islam in Indonesia was carried out through trade, education, da'wah, marriage, and so on. Therefore, the development of Islamic education began with the arrival of Islam in the archipelago. It was felt that the development of Islam in Indonesia was very rapid with its complex teachings and ways of spreading it to the needs of society at that time, namely trade because these Arab and Indian traders couldn't trade without Islamic principles. Therefore, Islamic education develops following the development of Islam itself. They make surau, mosque, and break as a place of study. His teaching method also uses simple methods, such as lecture and halaqah methods. The educational institutions also developed along with the development of Is


  ISMAIL RAJI AL-FARUQI Ismail Raji al-Faruqi was born on January 1, 1921 AD in Jaffa which is located in Palestine, and he died on May 24, 1986 AD. [1] His father's name is Abdul Huda Al-Faruqi, a qadi (judge) who is respected in the country of Palestine, someone who is also regarded as a figure who obeys religion; this is from his father, in addition to his education at the local mosque, Faruqi received religious education well, education is right for a child. Palestinian children in general. At that time, Palestine was still peaceful and peaceful under the authority of the Arab government in Damascus, even though it was also under British colonial rule. Until finally the Jewish nation arrived, established its settlement, and slowly began to undermine and begin to dominate. [2] Palestine began to be in turmoil. Ismail Raji Al-Faruqi is a figure who greatly admired his homeland, Palestine before the area was occupied by Israel. Therefore, when his homeland was occupied by Is